March 26, 2024

Pool and Spa Water Guide

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Having trouble with your water? Check out our Pool and Spa Water Guide

Troubleshoot your water treatment problems with our pool and spa water guide. Action Swimming Pool & Spa has a team of knowledgeable pool experts dedicated to bringing you crystal clear water. If you have questions regarding your pool's water treatment, contact the professionals at Action Swimming Pools & Spa at 303.431.8501.

Cloudy, Dull Water

Possible Cause: Dirty Filter

  • Solution: Clean filter with Filter Cleanse or Filter Fresh. Renew sand filter efficiency with Filter Rinse.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Backwash as necessary and clean filter thoroughly as needed.

Possible Cause: pH too high

  • Solution: Test pH and Total Alkalinity. Add pH Down as directed. Adjust as required.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Test frequently and maintain pH of 7.2 - 7.8 and total alkalinity at 80 - 120ppm.

Possible Cause: Free chlorine residual too low

  • Solution: Test for chlorine residual and adjust as needed. Shock treat with Oxy-Brite.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Maintain free chlorine level of 1 - 3 ppm.

Possible Cause: Filter not removing small particles

  • Solution: Use Clear Blue to coagulate small particles. Check filter operation.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use Clear Blue weekly, 1oz. per 5000 gallons.

Possible Cause: Backwashing sand filters too often

  • Solution: Backwash less frequently, only as recommended by filter manufacturer's directions.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use with Filter Rinse once every month or two months, depending on number and frequency of pool occupancy.

Possible Cause: Dissolved metals in water

  • Solution: Use Sequa-Sol to control metals in water.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 4oz. per 10,000 gallons of Sequa-Sol weekly to prevent staining and scale formulation.

Cloudy, Green Water

Possible Cause: Green algae

  • Solution: Use Algimycin 2000 or Algimycin 600 to destroy algae. Use Drop 'N Vac to help remove dead algae.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 8oz. per 10,000 of Algimycin 2000 weekly to prevent algae growth.

Black and/or Dark Green Spots

Possible Cause: Black algae

  • Solution: Use Oxy-Brite per directions. Add Algimycin 2000 or Algimycin 1000 as directed, then brush daily until gone. Use Drop 'N Vac to help remove dead algae.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 8oz. per 10,000 gallons of Algimycin 2000 weekly to prevent algae growth. Adjust returns to provide better flow over affected areas.

Yellow Slime

Possible Cause: Mustard algae

  • Solution: Clean filter with Filter Cleanse or Filter Fresh. Brush affected areas. Use Algimycin 2000, Algimycin Yellow, or Strike Out algaecide. Use Drop 'N Vac to help remove dead algae.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 8oz. per 10,000 gallons of Algimycin 2000 weekly to prevent algae growth.

Reddish Brown Water

Possible Cause: Iron or manganese dissolved in water

  • Solution: Use Sequa-Sol to suspend and inactivate stain causing minerals. For extreme cases, use Super Sequa-Sol.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 8oz. per 10,000 gallons of Sequa-Sol on a weekly basis.

Clear, Green Water

Possible Cause: Dissolved copper from fill water - Corrosion of copper pipes or heater

  • Solution: Use Sequa-Sol or Super Sequa-Sol as directed. Test and adjust pH and total alkalinity.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 8oz. per 10,000 gallons of Sequa-Sol on a weekly basis.

Stains & Rust

Possible Cause: Metals in water

  • Solution: Use Stain Magnet to remove stains. Follow treatment with Sequa-Sol or Super Sequa-Sol to prevent staining.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use 8oz. per 10,000 gallons of Sequa-Sol weekly to keep metals in solution and prevent staining.

Calcium, Scale Deposits

Possible Cause: pH or alkalinity too high

  • Solution: Correct with pH Down as directed.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use Sequa-Sol or Super Sequa-Sol weekly to prevent scale-forming calcium from precipitating out of solution.

Possible Cause: Calcium content too high

  • Solution: Dilute pool water with water of lower hardness. Use Sequa-Sol or Super Sequa-Sol as directed.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Use Sequa-Sol or Super Sequa-Sol weekly to prevent scale-forming calcium from precipitating out of solution.

Skin & Eye Irritation

Possible Cause: Combined Chlorine level is too high

  • Solution: Shock treat with Oxy-Brite. Then test for free chlorine residual and adjust to maintain residual of 1-3 ppm.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Maintain disinfectant level of 1-3 ppm at all times regardless of pool usage or weather conditions.

Possible Cause: pH too low or too high

  • Solution: Test pH and correct with pH Up or pH Down.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Maintain pH of 7.2 - 7.8 and total alkalinity of 80-120 ppm.

Chlorine Odor

Possible Cause: Combined chlorine level is too high

  • Solution: Shock treat with Oxy-Brite. Then test for free chlorine residual and adjust to maintain residual of 1-3 ppm.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Test chlorine level daily. Maintain pH of 7.2 - 7.8, total alkalinity of 80 - 120 ppm, and free chlorine level of 1-3 ppm.

Scum and Odors

Possible Cause: Grease and oil from swimmers

  • Solution: Use enzyme-action Natural Clear to dissolve oils and lotions. Clean walls and surfaces with TLC. Clean filter with Filter Cleanse, Filter Fresh or Filter Rinse.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Shower before entering pool. Maintain a clean filter with periodic cleaning. Shock treat with Oxy-Brite after heavy pool use to destroy contaminants. Use Natural Clear weekly.

Schedule Pool & Spa Services

Call Action Swimming Pool & Spa for more information about our pool and spa water guide. To schedule a service call at (303) 431-8501 or fill out our schedule a service request online. Our knowledgeable staff will gladly assist you with any questions you may have about our pool and spa water guide.

Please note: Our swimming pool and spa store is located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, at 5168 Parfet Street, Unit I. We are pleased to service, repair, and maintain swimming pools across the Denver metro area, including: Arvada, Lakewood, Littleton, Denver, Westminster, Wheat Ridge, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills, Englewood, and Golden, Colorado.

5168 Parfet Street, Unit I
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


© 2024 Action Swimming Pool & Spa | Powered by Miller Davis
